Hello March!

I haven’t been posting weekly like I used to do it in previous years. I feel jaded and posting for the sake of posting. Chased by the reminder that I need to tick this to move on. So, this year I tried something different. I’ll just post at least once a month and it’s more as reflection what had happened in previous month.

So here are some of my lesson learnt in February

On dealing with kid.

  • I adopted a new kitten which is still coming to be 6mo old. It’s my first time to raise a kitten. It was a roller coaster experience to deal with “baby” as they are quite random, curious, short attention span, fearless and many more. I adopted adult cats as my first (two) born. And I have different journey with them. Looking back it was quite a journey.
  • That a kid has their own pace in learning new things. And I must not lose my patience or worse, temper, to the kid. A lot of positive reinforcement or encouragement is needed. But I think it is also needed for myself.
  • On the other hand though, they also need some consistency otherwise they will get confused easily. We, the adult, are their anchor.
  • (Some may think I’m weird or some may feel offended when I associate furkids with human kids. For those that have both, I’m sure you can relate to this)

On dealing with own expectation.

  • It was (quite) stressful journey for me with all the new things I never experience before.
  • Unnecessarily I put a deadline on myself that I need to do this by this and so on. If I don’t do this, then I’m not good pawrent or team member (at work).
  • I turned into over-worrying person, and I have no confidence in myself. I have to say, I really feel no good.

On dealing with other expectation.

  • Having social media profile has it’s bad side too. Sometimes you’re judged or criticized by others upon things you do. Irrespective of what you went through which not visible to them or you have done/tried before. For example some people will ask the obvious thing to question you or sometimes talk behind your back.
  • I realised one thing that when I become picking on other people, it means I’m not in my normal state. I need some TLC for myself. Be kind to self, so that you can be kind to others.
  • However, if I really think back, I did that sometimes. It’s hard to be kind to others when something is bothering me and I can’t find the answer or solution to it.
  • Nevertheless, I can’t control how others react to me. But I can control my reaction to them.
  • Sometimes I’ll make fun to the situation by keep mentioning it. I think making fun out of it is my to destress and to forget about it.

Dealing with expectation, whether it’s own or others, is a stressful situation. Having different circle of friends will be helpful, to give you different perspective.

At the end of the day, I need to tell myself more often. Everyone journey is not the same. But we need to own and responsible for it.

“It is better to act and repent than not to act and regret.” – Machiaveli

And at the end of the day, do something, decide and act. If it didn’t work, reflect and learn from it. Find right friend or group of friends who knows you well and support you. Or, sometimes to distance with your friends or regular circle for awhile might work too. Go out, jog or exercise, do something you like (drawing, singing or something) or have a proper chat with yourself might work too.

Thank you February, and March, please be kind to me.