Do one thing you can do

This week lesson is no matter how good your cause is, but if you’re bashing or bitching about other people actions, I find it less meaningful.

There is always a reason behind every action, some might try very hard on justifying it, but whatever it is, good or bad.

I find it’s toxic to see it. But some take it like a drama. (Maybe I should change my mindset)

I did unfriend few people cos they like to share sad news for example. Those were affecting me till one of my friends told me an excerpt from Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Then I find that there are *too* many things happened beyond my control. Later I decided that I will do my part, within my control, within my capability. And hopefully, it will inspire another person to walk the same path.

Some famous celebrity or expert in their areas might have some says. But I guess, it’s just not my style to bash other people. As you’re higher up there, I think you should handle things gracefully.

And I just realised that I’m somewhat doing similar things too, that I bitch about other people action (ha!)