Racing with yourself (late post)

“Every race is a unique race” That’s what my running buddy like to say. Every race has its own story, because no matter how prepared we are, there are some dynamic factors which contributes to it. Like weather, what we ate the day before, our tummy condition and so on. Since early this year, I haven’t been training or running longer than 5km. Ya ya ya.. maybe you think it’s another old story, no training, just go for it story. […]

What’s your ikigai?

I started to give myself a 52 week challenge 4-5 years ago because I want to challenge myself to do something consistently. It started with the popular challenge in the Internet, saving the money as big as the week number, week 1 is $1 and so on. Then I expanded it to blogging and taking photo with Luffy too. I concluded the saving money challenge 2 years ago, because I find I didn’t really save them from my weekly allowance, […]