About Humility

How good are you in … 

Was one of the most memorable question asked to me this week.

During chat with a friend around strength and weakness, she noticed that I diverted to say what is my strength, so she asked why it was so hard for me to say it.

I replied my friend that because I don’t think I’m good enough, as there is someone better than me. And maybe it’s the upbringing thing that made me can’t say it proudly as it deemed cocky when you say that you’re good at something.

And her reply was quite an eye opener for me.

I can’t remember the exact words that my friend said, but it was something related to humility concept. That you admit how good you are, according to you, without qualifying it against others. That also means you don’t need to bring people down and you also open to new ideas.

Since that day, I’ve been thinking what is my strength? What am I good at and be comfortable saying it out loud to other people.