What is it like on the other side

Last time I could only wonder what is it like on the other side? Or if I’m so and so who always busy traveling here and there, that must be nice. Or if I’m doing a, b, c then it looks cool.

My friend told me, K.. the grass always looks greener on the other side.

I didn’t really think of it back then, because I enjoy my daydreaming, imagining I’m somebody.

You may heard of you are what you’re thinking of. Our mind will attract things we are believing in. And as long as we are working towards it.

Then I fall into a cycle that, thinking my previous life was better.

See, the grass always looks greener on the other side. The cycle will repeat.

So, I’m telling myself. Think about it, work for it, manifest your thought, give the best you can, assess and decide. We can pause and reflect. Consider and change course.

When you decided to leave it, say thanks for the experience, make your exit and don’t look back (unless you want to go back)

This is a late post for last week.