Lost track of time

My usual schedule for blog post is over the weekend, which either Sat or Sun. However, this week I took some time off from work to celebrate Lunar New Year in my hometown .

Happy New Year!

Finally the year starts! Hehe..

The first few days, I felt like has been shot by a tranquilizer dart. Despite has been getting solid 7h sleep, I still feel sleepy in late afternoon.

Perhaps, I have too much sleep debt? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My brain completely switches off from work, although I still check email from time to time. And I’m glad that no emergency situation and I hope it remains that way.

I find this recent situation makes me sure that you can’t be running sprint in working on some things all.the.time. Or, in my colleague’s term “always on” is sprint mode.

I believe in moderation. I can do sprint, if needed, for example chasing bus. But always sprint, is not my thing and I feel there is something wrong with me if I keep sprinting. Like perhaps I should plan better, because working without proper plan will make you rushing things.

There is no perfect plan, but fail to plan is plan to fail. Plan can be better through iterations.

Do you too always work in sprint mode? Always experiencing last minute mad rush to complete something? How do you overcome it?