Will you go all out?

Sometimes we know that we like something, but we don’t dare to express that we like it.

Sometimes we don’t want to do it in front of other people. We are cautious when people are looking at us.

Sometimes we protect ourselves at all cost, because we don’t want to be faulted, seen inexperienced or not perfect.But it’s usually just our ego. And there are much more than our ego. This is what I learned this week from my friends. It’s okay to be silly, it’s okay to do wrong, it’s okay to .. just be. Because when you are trying too hard, do you know what happened if you are trying to ride a bike with stiff arms, you’ll fall easily. So, sometimes it’s not comfortable for me to make mistakes, but it’s natural. Do your best and if that’s happened, learn from it and “dance” together with it. Always give it all. And that’s including having fun.