A new catventure

I know I owe a post from last week, and while writing half way (it’s still in my draft) Sunday is here again when I need to post a new one for this week.

So this week post is gonna be longer than my usual post, to make up last week post.

One main reason why i didn’t manage to finish the last week one was I went to a shelter and adopted 2 cats.

I never owe any pets but my dad used to have aquarium and birds. But I never has interaction with them besides tapping the aquarium glass to surprise the fishes. Well, used to have cockatoo and I used to have banter with it. Btw, it could say my name haha..

Just that recently I grow fond of cats, thanks to those internet memes, maru, and the area I used to stay, Yishun.

At first, I don’t have plan to buy or to adopt, so I searched for both to find out. Luckily there is a shelter which close to a shop as well.

A friend of mine suggested that I should adopt rather than buy. She never forced me to, but I think it somewhat resonates with me. And after visiting both places, I made up my mind that I’ll adopt.

Then the next question is, am I gonna adopt a kitten or an adult cat?

Again, I went to see both. Kittens are super adorable. Some friends said, with kitten you can teach them. While adult might be harder to correct their behaviors. Although it’s kinda safer as well, because what you see it what you get. Most of the times.

Looking at my current daily activities, I think it’s gonna be tough for a kitten. So, I decided to settle with adopt adult cat.

In between decided to adopt and bring them home, I feel having cat withdrawal syndrome because I wasn’t able to play with the usual community cats (stray cat) because I moved place. But soon, I found few cats around my new area to play with.

It took me around 3 months before I really bring the cats home. Yes. Along the way, I decided to get two. Because it’s more fun to be weird together.

Jack and Meowth

I visited both of them during weekend when I can, to create bond with them before bringing them home.

Also I need to catproof my place too.

Now it’s been a week since they came home, and after many sleepless nights, they started to be a little more comfortable at my place. Although one of them is still restless.

I’m glad I have few friends as my support group otherwise I’ll go nuts due to panic.

1. About things I can’t see

When I go to work, I monitor them via the feeder camera and nothing seems happened. Are they sleeping? Or are they fighting?

Then a friend advised me, no point of worrying things you can’t see. Think that everything will be okay.

It reminds me of a saying I came across sometime ago. Worry is an interest paid in advance for something which might not happen in future.

2. About the hardwork

The first few nights I woke up midnight to clean the litter box, and petted them to comfort them.

As a result I slept only few hours and became zombie next day.

My friend said, don’t enforce that behavior and try to ignore it.

It teaches me that you don’t need to respond immediately to something. Well unless it’s a life and death situation. But keep responding to something fast is not necessarily will solve the problem.

After few readings, it’s possible to reinforce certain behavior and one of them is not responding to the bad ones.

3. About the other side of the coins

When things are seem tough, it really paid off when you see them more comfortable, displaying some cute behaviors, or just reply you in their language when you tell them something. (I might sound crazy)

So, either you want to focus on the happy ones or the not happy ones.

4. About cruising along at your own pace

Remember they just came a week ago, but I already feel like I want this and that.

If humans need time to adjust to a new environment, animals too. And they are unable to tell us verbally what do they need.

So, why don’t just I enjoy the time guessing what’s in their mind. Maybe they are plotting to take over the world. Starting from my place.

PS: 🐾 pleased to know you. Sincerely, Jack and Meowth