Breaking out from our shell

Last week we have a year end dinner with colleagues and as usual, there was an award presentation for long service with the company. One of them is our top leader. In his acceptance speech, he said that he was quite laid back person until his wife decided to quite her work, to focus on their family. He added that his wife was having a good career, better than him. At that point of time. Her sacrifice made him able […]

My first “ultra” run

This is the last sport check list item in 2017 to be cleared, and it’s a huge one too. People say close it with a bang. So I guess this is mine for 2017. Usually I plan my sport till mid year and leave the second half for the non-sport resolution but I notice that I was slacking off, really, in 2016. So I’m trying to spread it out till end of year. As I’m going to the event in […]

The essence for our growth

I: Isn’t it fun getting better at the job? C: it is I: isn’t that the main strand of your career that you’re getting better at the job C: well, it could only get better, it couldn’t get worse Inspiration of the week is a chat by Cate (C) Blanchett and Sir Ian (I) McKellen in Actors on Actors show (link) They were discussing about things they are not so good at (geez, they are so humble, o’rite). Cate replied […]

One thing that blogging helps me to be better is

The phone buzzed, a reminder to blog showed up. Ah, it’s time for it again. Sometimes I have the idea around mid week, and I started to write it, set it on schedule and when the reminder showed up, just ticked it, and I’m done. There are also days when I don’t have the idea until the reminder is showing. Or, on top of that, I have other commitments which made me unable to set aside a time to write. […]

A note from last week

I saw that pin from Pinterest app. And I’m amazed how coincidence it is because of what happened to me yesterday when I was in the middle of completing a race. Halfway mark I felt my legs were giving up. The talk by Simon Grimstrup when my friends and I were in Vietnam emerged from my mind. He said, usually he had 3 options in his head, option A is to complete the race within xx time frame, option B […]

On meditation

I’ve been wanting to join a meditation journey after hearing one of my friend who often went for a week or two meditation retreat. Because he came back refreshed after the trip. My friend mentioned that in one of his trip, he was having walking meditation and I thought, how could you meditate while walking? But recently, I think that it is actually doable. Because during long running alone, I always have a good long talk with my mind and […]

Are we there yet?

My friends and I were asking that questions to irritate each other while we were running last week. Sometimes we throw that question to other runner passing us. We all laughed at it and after that we saw some laugh, smile or just relief in our faces. We are not alone in this course. We have our own distance to cover, 100km, 70km, 42km or just like me and my friends, 21km. Some friends asked me if I like running, […]

Things to tell yourself when you see a hill

Few friends and I joined Vietnam Mountain Marathon over this weekend and it’s kind of special for me. Because there are many first about this event, first trail run event, first overseas sport event, first time to Hanoi and Sa Pa, first sport trip with friends and first half marathon distance for trail. So, it’s really memorable. Although I (tried to) ran regularly preparing myself for this event, but it still wasn’t enough. As a result, when I poked myself […]