For Love’s Sake 2018 Movie

Or the original title is “恋のしずく” It looks like ordinary drama at first but I decided to give it a shot since the Japanese movie selection in Polish LOT was limited. Turned out, it’s a normal drama indeed. But sometimes there is a beauty in the ordinary. So, one takeaway from it was, you need to face your problem. Which is obvious, but it’s a good reminder. The main character and the co-star were having different problems all together. And […]

A moment to appreciate

We often forget about things around us until we don’t have it. For example, when you’re away from home, you started to think about all the food or the items you can get easily on daily basis and then you don’t have access to them while you’re traveling. (Which happened to me as I’m currently traveling for work). Or, you may also miss someone (human or pets) whom you meet on daily basis, part of your routine, then you are […]

One step at a time

What happened to me last week reminds me of my mantra during running that always one step at a time. And repeat till you reach your goal. I recently rescued a kitty under my apartment. I’m not a rescuer. I just felt heart pain of the chase and war cry almost every morning. And now I’m looking her a home where she can feel relax and enjoy life. I watched other rescuers’ work through Instagram and it’s not easy. Sometimes […]

What’s your village?

There is a saying it takes a village to raise a kid, and I started to believe it too. Having 2 cats is nice, just that I keep missing my fur kiddos when I need to travel. Because I need to make arrangement for them. So I was helped by my mom, to take care of them. Or kind and trusted cat sitters, or boarders. They are my village when it comes to my fur kiddos. Or extended fur kiddos, […]

On being busy

I read somewhere some time ago that when we don’t have time for something, we will say we are busy. Which also means, it’s not in our priority anymore. Or our priority changed. I don’t quite understand or relate to it back till recently. Some of the differences like I like to spend times outside trying new things, with just stay at home relaxing. Or assembling my model kit versus giving attention to my cats. Going out with some people […]

On recent trip to Japan

Trip to Japan is always a fun trip for me, unless you’re traveling with travel buddy from hell. So far, I’ve been traveling with 2 different (group of) friends, alone for business trip and with my brother. Most of them are quite okay.. (not all) It reminds me that it’s good to go with people similar interest. Otherwise, the trip will be not enjoyable. Or rather, would be better to travel alone. Is it scary to travel to Japan alone? […]

About humility and never give up

I attended a talk related to animal today and the speaker was mentioning that sometimes human is selfish and think highly of themselves. I bought this expensive stuff for you and you didn’t want to use or eat it. Well, as cat pawrent, that doesn’t sound new or surprising for me.. #catlogic The speaker said, if you pay attention closely and listen to them, sometimes what they really need is not complex or something luxury. That’s one of my thought […]

What you see, often, is just the tip of the iceberg

Sounds familiar? Or do you experience it? (From: Love for imperfect things. Penguin Random House. 2018) It can cause a great rift between friends, just because people are just comparing what they see from social media or forum or chat group. A friend used to tell me that someone was copying whatever they do in Instagram, blatantly in their face. Some said, imitation is highest form of flattery, but it can be annoying too. But again, at what cost we […]