Challenge or chore

This month, I’m taking a challenge created by one of my friends, to log 50km in a month. I just agreed to it without thinking as a result, and find halfway that it’s very hard to accomplish. Then I find it more as a chore because I hate to not complete it, while it’s too much stretch for me to complete it. Later I do my math, that in average, I ran short 1-2km mid week and 5km on weekend, […]

Tidying up

This week I saw in my Facebook feed that my friends were sharing about KonMari. Perhaps because she made appearance in Netflix or it’s near Lunar New Year which generally associated with spring cleaning. I read her books around 2 years ago, it was so easy to read and enjoyable reading material. I’ve been trying to do my share bit by bit too since then. Then it came down to me that actually it’s not just about possession. But also […]

Do you know your main mission and sub mission?

This is my catch up post as last week I didn’t manage to post. I’ll post another one for this week. I’ve been following Fire Emblem series since I have my 3DS, Awakening and Conquest. And I really love it. They have Switch version and it is hack and slash game. It’s my first time to play this gameplay but I observed my brother play another hack and slash game before. I didn’t know that it’s actually quite fun to […]

A chore

Last week, I was reminded about few things that I have been trying to avoid to do but it’s getting out of hand. House cleaning. The meme below represents me regarding chore But one thing I also notice is, it’s actually feels good when you completed it. (Strangely I get the same feeling after completing a run too) The first few minutes, my heart will say that the conditions are not ideal, like need to have breakfast first, need to […]

How we see things

I think when you heard similar things from different sources, it’s a sign from the universe to our problem. Or could be just a gentle reminder too. There are few important events since last week at work and as the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. So it’s coming to me one by one at steady pace. One of my colleague has a term called project hoarder, which happened to another colleague because that person like to collect projects. […]

Accomplishment this week

This weekend I finally sorted out my items since moving in early this year and changing office too. At last, the last box is gone. It’s not finished yet. But I managed to classify them into their box category, which I still have 3 out of 10 boxes (my cabinet is boxy) had been tidied up inside. The rest of them, I just chucked everything inside. I used the tips from Marie Kondo on how to tidy up your space. […]

Bilingual? Or multilingual?

In recent taxi trip to airport, I met a chatty taxi driver. Sometimes I do want to just enjoy the ride, but there are times I don’t mind to chat. Started by normal question like whether I’m going for holiday because I have 24” luggage but it’s not that heavy. I said it’s a work trip just that I don’t have smaller luggage and it’s too much for cabin sized luggage. Next question about where I’m working came up, I […]

Fail to plan is plan to fail

I heard this phrase before, but I didn’t really feel the impact until I’ve been in the situation of “no plan” Back then I usually like to plan ahead to the smallest detail and If I didn’t tick 10 out of 10 items in my list, I feel that I fail. I was down and stress because of it. I used to set my daily steps goal to be 10,000 steps. However these days I find it so hard […]