Lesson of the day: when you think that doing something in certain way is unusual but it’s actually doable, maybe you should give it a try and you will be amazed with your whole new experience. Last Sunday I was joining a 6km charity run under the company I work for. There was 2 different type of run, 6km fun run and 10km competitive run. And, all of my colleagues and I who joined decided to go for 6km fun […]
Category: attitude
anything that helps kartika angkawijaya during hard times, inspires or motivate her to go through those times
To be popular
If you’re following my tweet, some time last week you may find article about recent narcissism trend caused by facebook. You can find the article from mashable.com (click here to read it). It is a very interesting study, I say. Based on that article, definition of narcism is “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.” And, somewhere in the middle the article states that: The study postulated that narcissists would show more overall Facebook activity […]
Win, lose or draw
Recent lesson: there is no winning (or losing) in relationship (with friends, someone you close with, or your partner) I have a friend whom tends to be late. She’s late to show for meet up, she’s going to work late (though she’s justify it by finishing work later, even it means to work overtime), she’s late to go for her classes, and many more. To my observation, she tends to keep it to the last minute then she will rush […]
Quotes of the day from Coelho
Paulo Coelho tweeted this: You probably know many people who think: “I have problems, therefore I exist” For those wounded in love (ENG, ESP) https://bit.ly/8X1sqpPara feridos por amor (PORT) https://bit.ly/cn6v2Z. And if you scroll down a little bit more on the second post, you’ll find another great quotes by a fan: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Bite one mouthfull at a time
Today’s lesson: when there are too many things to handle, do only one thing, finish it, and move on to the next thing. Do not think too much, nor complain too much, do it diligently, you will amazed on the progress you made after that. If my last two posts were describing what have I learned during my trip, then in this post I’d like to stress out some points from those. Last week, I was panic because there were […]
Getting our feet back on the ground
Lesson of the week: it’s hard to make a new habit, but it’s harder to get it back. This post is still related to my recent trip which I mentioned in previous post. The trip summary, we had a trip because of public holiday fell on Monday, so it was a long weekend trip. On top of that, we add one more day by taking one day leave on Friday, thus we have 4 days 3 nights for the trip. […]
Get rid of pessimism and boost the confidence up
Some people may always look confident on different situations, like in a party, during presentation, during a meeting with clients or even while hang out with friends. Meanwhile, some other people may look totally the opposite. They don’t look enthusiast, low spirited, try to hide themselves, speak low about themselves. I describe those two based on the book I read before, extrovert (confident) person and introvert (pessimist) person. Even if you feel that you are a confident person, sometimes you may […]
A room for improvement
On a casual talk with my friend, he mentioned about how our life repeating some patterns; for example, when we’re going to school, studying, having exams, making mistakes, being graded, given feedback, learned something and tried to be better. We always have learning pattern and of course making mistakes is part of it. And I was nodding, agreeing his idea.