Are you working on your goals or your cause?

Every new year, I plan my yearly goals, like what are the activities I’d like to do, what are the new things I’d like to learn and so on. Some are completed and became my new favorite past time. But some just became bucket list activities, been there done that, ticked and hardly do it again because of new activities or just pushed down naturally. There was a time when I was still trying my bestest to achieve it and […]

A lesson from 7 years ago

Every morning Facebook pushed a notification about what happened few years ago – aka Memories. And I usually will scroll all the way down, to find the oldest memory of that day. Today is one of the memorable one. A lesson from a friend If you like public attention and to be under the limelight, then leadership is not your thing. You should consider to become celebrity instead. A leader leads and does many things behind the scene, so that […]

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I thought this is a teen drama like Juno, but I was wrong. It was deeper than just a drama. This movie drew my attention while browsing what movie I should watch during flight to Shanghai because of Emma Watson and Ezra Miller. You know Emma Watson, but Ezra caught my attention because of The Flash in Justice League. And with Ant-Man inside too. There are many memorable lines, but there are two which I find very memorable: One, which […]

The essence for our growth

I: Isn’t it fun getting better at the job? C: it is I: isn’t that the main strand of your career that you’re getting better at the job C: well, it could only get better, it couldn’t get worse Inspiration of the week is a chat by Cate (C) Blanchett and Sir Ian (I) McKellen in Actors on Actors show (link) They were discussing about things they are not so good at (geez, they are so humble, o’rite). Cate replied […]

One thing that blogging helps me to be better is

The phone buzzed, a reminder to blog showed up. Ah, it’s time for it again. Sometimes I have the idea around mid week, and I started to write it, set it on schedule and when the reminder showed up, just ticked it, and I’m done. There are also days when I don’t have the idea until the reminder is showing. Or, on top of that, I have other commitments which made me unable to set aside a time to write. […]

A note from last week

I saw that pin from Pinterest app. And I’m amazed how coincidence it is because of what happened to me yesterday when I was in the middle of completing a race. Halfway mark I felt my legs were giving up. The talk by Simon Grimstrup when my friends and I were in Vietnam emerged from my mind. He said, usually he had 3 options in his head, option A is to complete the race within xx time frame, option B […]

Why do you need to train so hard?

I don’t like working up a sweat or out of breath, buuuuut.. I don’t dislike sharpening my skills and leveling up – Kozume Kenma, Nekoma High (Haikyuu!!) Immediately I screamed (silently) Kenma you’re my inner character. Well except I’m not any teams’ brain like him to Nekoma. He is depicted as quiet guy, absorbed in game, laid back personality and never gets excited. And he wasn’t into volley ball until his childhood friend and neighbor introduced him to the sport. […]

On meditation

I’ve been wanting to join a meditation journey after hearing one of my friend who often went for a week or two meditation retreat. Because he came back refreshed after the trip. My friend mentioned that in one of his trip, he was having walking meditation and I thought, how could you meditate while walking? But recently, I think that it is actually doable. Because during long running alone, I always have a good long talk with my mind and […]