
Open my eyes, I turn myself over Blink, I realize that today is still Friday Look around and I saw my luggage around the corner Thought that today is my flight day The sky is still dark Not even a dog bark Turn on the wireless modem And, turn on the comp Read friends’ blogs Could not deny of being jealous For them who find their happiness But told myself that I have my own as they have theirs Somehow, […]

5 self asking question which help to motivate ourselves

In my previous post, I listed how to tackle bad mood. One of them is recognizing the cause of it (writing my thought down). So, below is a short list of questions which help me to find out the cause. 1. Do I expect too much? 2. Do I enjoy what I’m doing? 3. Do I need it or do I want it? 4. Do I worry about the outcome? 5. Have I really done anything to achieve it?

5 possible reasons for you to start blogging

If you ever consider to own a blog and you put it aside afterward then you might like this. The reasons I like to blog are: 1. I like to take notes. I found that taking note helps me to remember the lessons I just learn. Before blogging platforms were popular (or even before the Internet was a hit), I wrote quite a lot from daily activities to fiction. (yes, I even believe that I may be a writer one […]

On one step closer to our dream

Below is the dialogue excerpt between Ria Torres and Dr. Cal Lightman from one of the “Lie to Me” episodes I watched, Lightman (L): Look, what do you wanna be when you grow up? Torres (T): I am grown-up. (L): Terrific. what are you? (T): I’m–i’m a– (L): You’re on your way to becoming one of the world’s leading experts in deception. But up here, you’re still a baggage screener at the airport. Till you change that, you’ll always think you’re not ready. How often we’ve been in similar situation […]

Lessons from life

I feared being alone until I learned to like myself. I feared failure until I realized that I only fail when I don’t try. I feared success until I realized that I had to try in order to be happy with myself. I feared people’s opinions until I learned that people would have opinions about me anyway. I feared rejection until I learned to have faith in myself. I feared pain until I learned that it’s necessary for growth. I […]