Lessons from Angry Birds Epic

1. There is trick for every fight. – Rovio I like to finish my fight as soon as possible so I tend to use high power birds. However, sometimes you need to be patient in a fight, not all can be solved by using power, but need strategy 2. On getting 3 stars. Getting 3 stars is awesome, but sometimes we just need to meet the bare minimum so that we can move forward. When we are stronger, we can […]

Getting impatient

Recently I was watching “Miss Pilot”, a Japanese drama, about a lady who has easy going personality and not particularly smart but has a good heart. She was accepted as pilot trainee and surprised that she pass the preliminary screening. (maybe you think that it’s very typical scenario in drama right?) When she was in training with other candidates, they started with different job role before having pilot training. They were thinking that all of those are useless and doesn’t […]

Appreciate and praise

If you bumped into someone you haven’t met for quite sometime and they mentioning something you good at, how would you feel? Happy, naturally, right? A monk used to mention this many times in his talk and his book as well. That, a praise will get you anywhere. Because we like to be praised, to be appreciated. But most of us didn’t feel it or didn’t get it. Sometimes we had done our very best effort, but other people failed […]

The required price

Last week I attended a talk in a very cool office space. I praised the organiser that they have such a cool office, and they replied, it comes with the stress too. I think most of us has something that we want to achieve but most of the time we don’t want to pay the price. For example, we want to get a good quality of cloth, but we don’t want to pay the price. Well of course, sometimes we […]

6 best shared contents in my Facebook feed this week

I read in Mashable that Facebook recently changed their algorithm to display updates from our friends and brand page we like. Some of my friends said they are not surprise since they feel “spammed” in their Facebook feed by bad content. Before reading it, I feel the same way too that the more you interact with a person they more likely it will appear in your news feed. If you have thousands of friends in your list, you may want […]

How do I know what I want do?

My friend asked why I can stay in IT line for long time. (Which I don’t think so.. Because I tried a lot of things and didn’t stay long on one specialization) I’m easily bored so I tried different activities from time to time or joined different groups. But there is always a pattern. A pattern that I keep come back to the same activities after trying or hopping to others. So I guess that’s what I actually want to […]