This weekend I finally sorted out my items since moving in early this year and changing office too. At last, the last box is gone. It’s not finished yet. But I managed to classify them into their box category, which I still have 3 out of 10 boxes (my cabinet is boxy) had been tidied up inside. The rest of them, I just chucked everything inside. I used the tips from Marie Kondo on how to tidy up your space. […]
Author: kartika9
What do you think lately?
When you keep saying or thinking can’t or not possible, you won’t be able to do it Is what my sensei said in front of the class. She likes to comment how boring our life is because we are not creative enough to deal with situation. Or try something different. She jokes that when you’re walking at rad side, don’t just look at your phone, but look up down left and right, who knows there is some money, or interesting […]
Relearning something you think you know
Have you ever feel that you, out of sudden, don’t know how to do something which you’re so used to do? I do. It is about managing my time. And it makes me frustrated that things which used to be manageable turns out to be crazy and difficult to manage. And frustration leads to next things, feeling down and helpless. Because I can’t see any exit to the situation. I ponder over it for quite sometime and wasn’t able to […]
Bilingual? Or multilingual?
In recent taxi trip to airport, I met a chatty taxi driver. Sometimes I do want to just enjoy the ride, but there are times I don’t mind to chat. Started by normal question like whether I’m going for holiday because I have 24” luggage but it’s not that heavy. I said it’s a work trip just that I don’t have smaller luggage and it’s too much for cabin sized luggage. Next question about where I’m working came up, I […]
Fail to plan is plan to fail
I heard this phrase before, but I didn’t really feel the impact until I’ve been in the situation of “no plan” Back then I usually like to plan ahead to the smallest detail and If I didn’t tick 10 out of 10 items in my list, I feel that I fail. I was down and stress because of it. I used to set my daily steps goal to be 10,000 steps. However these days I find it so hard […]
Crossing the line
Opportunity is like a door without a knob, sometimes you need someone to open it for you and you just need to dash through it. ちはやふる 結び Once again, this movie inspired me. Taichi felt that he’s stuck with his Karuta and intimidated by Arata and Chihaya. So, he decided to quit Karuta which he’s doing with Chihaya and went to a “journey” to discover himself like following another master in Karuta world. There is Taichi in us. That sometimes […]
Don’t sweat small setbacks
When you are starting something new, usually there are many “accidents”. And when you are having a few in a row, it is kind of not encouraging. Am I at the right path? Or should i just go back to where I was before? I’m trying to change my boys’ diet to raw, and now they are in transition from kibbles to wet food. Since 6 months ago, they were on few types of kibbles for ard 4 months. Now […]
Finding a buddy
Lesson learned this week is When the journey is long or uncertain, it is more bearable with buddy. I’m not a fan of running long distance. Maybe I had said it many times, I’ll say it again. However, I like it and yet I hate it. The serenity of running alone or listening to all the thoughts that came up during the run, is a very personal moment. I used to listen to music when I jog, but these days, […]