Crossing the line

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Opportunity is like a door without a knob, sometimes you need someone to open it for you and you just need to dash through it.

ちはやふる 結び

Once again, this movie inspired me.

Taichi felt that he’s stuck with his Karuta and intimidated by Arata and Chihaya. So, he decided to quit Karuta which he’s doing with Chihaya and went to a “journey” to discover himself like following another master in Karuta world. 

There is Taichi in us. That sometimes no matter how hard we are working, it seems we just lose to someone or something. And makes us think that it’s our bad luck. Especially when it happened few times in a row.

Sometimes what we want might be a selfish request from us without considering other people feeling or thought. We become greedy for wanting lots of things then when it’s not working, it brings us down. 

So, taking a step back from your routine when you feel that you’re not going anywhere might be a solution. Take a break, and be observer of your own life. 

Another point was there was something holding Taichi back. I’m sure it happens to us as well, when we are not sure, we can’t go all out and be fully present in the situation we are in. 

I recommend this movie, although it’s part of Josei manga genre which I seldom follow. Anyway, I won’t reveal much about the outcome of the movie, to avoid being a spoiler.

However, in the end Taichi did find the answer he’s looking for and accept the situation. More importantly, he’s breaking from his shell and crossing the line.

Is there anything holding you down now? Or in the past? How did you overcome it?