Ideally we should ..

How often you say that inside your head? Or “by right, ..” and some other similar phrase. I have those moments last week which made me stress out because I want to do things in certain way and expecting certain result or outcome. But it didn’t happen. I was feeling down, demoralized and questioning myself if I do it right? To the extent that I kept messaging my friends in group chat. I lose my confident. The result was bad […]

About putting trust first

Trust is something you build on over time and earn. It’s not something you can just get from other people. I learned it from a comic book back then during my high school days. As I grow up, I have my moments when I tend to second guess people and doubt them. I feel worried if I need to trust people and they will disappoint me. So I decided to think all ways to prevent that. Some of my managers […]

Finding out what we do is the right thing to do

The first question popped is, how? I usually will go into a “cocoon” mode where I try to run all the possibilities in my head. Till my head is about to explode, then I’ll stop. Sometimes I’m quite satisfied with it. But sometimes I still not sure. Often I forget that if I discuss it with the right person, most of the times the solution is much simpler that what I have in mind. Then, the next question is, is […]