What’s your village?

There is a saying it takes a village to raise a kid, and I started to believe it too. Having 2 cats is nice, just that I keep missing my fur kiddos when I need to travel. Because I need to make arrangement for them. So I was helped by my mom, to take care of them. Or kind and trusted cat sitters, or boarders. They are my village when it comes to my fur kiddos. Or extended fur kiddos, […]

On being busy

I read somewhere some time ago that when we don’t have time for something, we will say we are busy. Which also means, it’s not in our priority anymore. Or our priority changed. I don’t quite understand or relate to it back till recently. Some of the differences like I like to spend times outside trying new things, with just stay at home relaxing. Or assembling my model kit versus giving attention to my cats. Going out with some people […]

On recent trip to Japan

Trip to Japan is always a fun trip for me, unless you’re traveling with travel buddy from hell. So far, I’ve been traveling with 2 different (group of) friends, alone for business trip and with my brother. Most of them are quite okay.. (not all) It reminds me that it’s good to go with people similar interest. Otherwise, the trip will be not enjoyable. Or rather, would be better to travel alone. Is it scary to travel to Japan alone? […]