To do it or not to do it

My mind was racing between option A or option B, and occasionally spawned to option C, D, etc. Which one I should go, which one I should do? Each has its own story. Then I heard faint voice, if you don’t do it, will you regret it? It was my heart’s voice. And most of the times, the answer is yes. So I will proceed to avoid regret. To go to Heidelberg Castle, there are 300+ steps to the top. […]

The greener grass on the other side

This week in my Japanese class we were practicing about asking permission to be absent from work. And one of my classmates was saying how about if we want to request for more days to rest. Our sensei replied that human always wants something which they don’t have. Because you’re so busy now, so you want to have more breaks. But when you have long break, you will be quite likely wanting to go to work. Right? What’s your biggest […]

Nobody’s perfect

One of my classmates was making a sentence about bad habit and she mentioned about her team leader that always call for unnecessary last minute meeting and give unreasonable deadline.  I think it’s not uncommon to be in her situation.  Do you have similar experience?  Back then during my junior days, I usually would just take it by myself, and as a result, I was stress as it’s build up.  Then lately I decided to speak up more and discuss […]

To compare and to evaluate fairly

This week story is inspired by the conversation in my office. About choosing a plug-in A or B. Globally, we are using plug-in A, however the feedback from one of the users, A is not great and we should move to B because when he worked with B, it’s better overall. I shared the risk of switching to B that the templates we are using has been deeply integrated with plug-in A. And when there is a new upgrades to […]