The art of procrastinating

I hate to see things not done. Whether it’s doing a task or meeting friends. I will .. do .. my .. best-est to do it within certain time frame, let’s say within that same day.

And you guess it right, that I felt drain at the end of the day. But I felt accomplished.

It perhaps an influence from work, that when something came, you need to reply or react swiftly. I learned that most of the times, we don’t need to. But conceivably, our manager doesn’t think so.

Over the years, I learned that certain things are more important like having quality time with your friends. So, I will reschedule other personal task to other days when I’m going to have meet up, unless, it’s really conveniently along the way.

It’s still irritates me when I postpone it too many times though. But at least I’m not too stressed up like before, running from one appointment to the next one. Then I asked myself, do I really need it to do it like now now?

For example, recently I received a collection notice from Post Office. The item I bought had arrived via Registered Article and I wasn’t at home. The next day, I looked at my watch after reaching home, it’s 7:15pm, Post Office is still open till 8:00pm. So, there is still time for me to collect it. Then I remembered there were still another 2 parcels coming, I told myself, wait for the rest to come and collect it altogether. True enough, in the next 2 days, I received the collection notice for the other two. And I just made one trip instead of two or three.

The most common advice I often received in the past (well sometimes today too) is do not react immediately when anger consume you. Wait till you are not consumed by your emotion. Otherwise, you will end up regretting the decision you made that day.

Therefore.. sometimes don’t react immediately has it’s benefit. Don’t you think so?

PS: Resting is also a task we need to do, you know.. Don’t neglect it.
