A lesson from 7 years ago

Every morning Facebook pushed a notification about what happened few years ago – aka Memories. And I usually will scroll all the way down, to find the oldest memory of that day. Today is one of the memorable one. A lesson from a friend If you like public attention and to be under the limelight, then leadership is not your thing. You should consider to become celebrity instead. A leader leads and does many things behind the scene, so that […]

The art of taking a break

My friend often told me that I tend to arrange things back to back. And as a result, quite often I was rushing from one place. I feel accomplished when I finished all my errands. And I think it’s somehow addictive to me. Until recently, I easily fell sick due to pack activities. Or rather, my mind was quite tense maintaining all the details for the errands. And when you fell sick, your physical strength drops so, it will make […]

Looking back and connecting the dots

Third weekend since new year just passed, I think I kind of used to the rhythm of this year plan. This week I had an interesting conversation with two people about what’s next for them. One of them is new to the workforce, while the other one is not. The young cub told us his dilemma about finding a permanent job. Both of us shared our journey back then, about moving forward and be selfish for our growth. I told […]

Live a little more

PHILIP: If I were mixed up with you I’d be the talk of the town Disgraced and disowned Another one of the clowns BARNUM: But you would finally live a little Finally laugh a little Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it’ll wake you up It was part of the lyrics from a song titled Other Side by Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron. First movie in 2018 and it, was, amazing! I was having goosebumps when […]

My 2018 missions

Happy New Year! First post of the year is always dedicated to the first week in that year. And this post is written while I’m having road trip over the weekend with group of friends. When I looked back (or flipped over my agenda), I thought of “did I really do that?” And when I saw the photos, the memories are starting to resurface. Yeah, I did. (Good job, give yourself a pat on the shoulder) There were few firsts […]