Look at people around you

and you’ll make your world wider. That’s what my sensei told us during class. She added, so when you’re on train, don’t just look down and listen to music. Look around and listen to your surrounding. Another student asked, how can we widen our world wider by doing that inside train? XD Sometimes I’m surprised with what sensei told us in class.  She often said it jokingly, but I feel somehow it always reminds me about something which happens to […]


I was desperately trying to get things one after another in my life. I was holding on to something which had hurt me although my friends have been telling me to let it go. It was good to let it go. I should have done it sooner. Sometimes I just need to be patient and remember that life doesn’t always go with plan A. When it doesn’t happen, don’t sulk. Something better will come.

A LIVE (Pt 2)

自分の価値気付かないのは、自分の認めないだけだろう If you fail to realize your value, isn’t it because you didn’t acknowledge it That’s what the main character told the other lead, after hearing that his justification why he behaved that way and did many things because he wants to be recognize by the people around him.

Are you ready?

I’m going to have my first run in 2017 and it is 21km. Yes.. half marathon. Usually I like to start slow (aka, shorter distance) but last year I received notification from 2XU about loyalty rates and their finisher tee in 2016 was nice, so, without further ado, I signed up for 21km.  I haven’t been running more than 15km before the actual day, and has been traveling as well. Doomed. I thought. Plus, 2 days before the race, there […]