First greeting in 2014

2013 passed in a flash and welcome 2014. I’m sure a lot of us were busy with our new year resolution. (Some of us cheekily said that their new year resolution will be 1920×1080). I was still in my holiday when I should do my new year resolution. So I’ll be a little bit behind in my resolution and stuffs. I decided to start my year with 10 reflections from 2013. When you give too many reasons to not do something, means it’s not […]

It’s Christmas time

Christmas is one of my favourite holidays of year. You should know the story about Christmas right? Besides that, it’s also a season where everyone spend their time with their family. When I was a kid, I watched a lot of show/movie about Christmas in local television (it’s also a school holiday, so I could watch TV as many as I wanted, yay). For example, some parents were trying their best to get presents or to give Christmas experience to their […]

Freeing up our heart space

I heard this terminology from a talk quite a while ago. I didn’t really get what it mean until recently. To give some background about the speaker, he’s a monk and sometimes he has to give counseling to his people. People who has session with him, will throw all their concerns to him. But does he overwhelmed with their stories? He said, he didn’t. The simile that he used is to become rubbish bin without bottom. Sometimes we experienced it […]

Small talk with boss in the morning

Boss – B, Me – M B: Good Morning, K. How are you? M: Good Morning!! I’m doing good, how are you? B: So what’s the story behind the new hair style? M: Ah.. *shy I was just copying some artists B: I always find your hair style interesting, it looks good on you. M: Thank you.. :”> (I’m not sure if he will be happy that my hair style is inspired by Seungri from BIGBANG (since my boss is […]

Outgrowing ourselves

After reading the post in a fan blog about Seungri (승리) and reading/watching several Osawa Takao (大沢たかお) posts/interviews, I can’t help myself to have another self talk with myself. What’s the common thing between Seungri who is the youngest member from BIGBANG and Osawa Takao who is senior actor from Japan? Transformation. Osawa Takao used to be a model, then he moved out to various roles. Actor, radio host, documentary host, voice actor, producer. He did musical and had few singles […]

My best trait is

If someone asked you that question what will be your answer? While you think about it, I’ll share mine. That question popped into my head this morning. (I think) I don’t have any special or best trait because I’m just average. Here are 2 examples why I think I’m average: As a primary school/junior high/senior high student, I didn’t belong to the bottom of the class but yet I didn’t belong to top student who usually actively participated in competition […]

At last!

I mentioned that I was following Japanese series 星の金貨 (Hoshi no Kinka) in few post earlier right? I finished both, season 1 and 2 of that drama. Then I found out that they have the SP version. I searched high and low yet I couldn’t find it. Last Saturday, my language school was having flea market. All the money gathered will be donated to a society as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. And, I saw the 星の金貨 VCD (both seasons) […]

Upgrading my mission

I’ve been learning Japanese for 3 years now. There are times when I feel that maybe I should just quit, because of one reason after another. Back then I told myself, it’s ok if you hate to go to school, it’s ok if you can’t grasp all the knowledge, it’s ok if you don’t have time to revise or study, but just don’t quit. Once you quit, it’ll be harder to be on track again. You know yourself better, right? […]