There are days when we have sleepless night, either we have thoughts and those make us can’t really sleep well, or maybe we have to put extra effort on certain things that consumes our time. And eventually, we will have one of these easily: Impatient Slow response Hard to concentrate Get angry easily Fall sick And of course, there are more than that when you search on effect of sleep deprivation. And though I’m a health conscious person, I’m not […]
Author: kartika9
How to survive in hardships
Sometimes, without invitation obviously, issues, problems, or hardships come to us either we’re studying or working. Sometimes, we can barely breath in between those tasks, or barely have our lives back. Here are some of the things that help me through that:
3 easy tips to keep your consistency
Every one of us has their own pace on doing something. Doing it repetitively we can call it consistency. And far from the ideal scenario, we always have something happened in between our normal daily life in a way that disrupt the pace. Talking about work, sometimes we are so confused with our tasks. Usually the longer you work at your work place, eventually you will have more and more tasks. Just kidding. 🙂 Consistency can also means doing our […]
A friend of mine posted a status in his facebook, mentioning about that today is a special day, because it’s symmetrical 1. If you read it from left or right. It brings me to think about special day. Do you have any particular date or day within a year that you think it’s special for you? I’m sure that birthday are the most common answer, either their own birthday or their partner birthday. Or sometimes anniversary can also be a […]
3 things to remember when facing challenges
There are always times when we feel that the burden is getting heavier on our shoulder, and as always we have options. Here some tips to change our perception, to see things differently: 1. Be grateful That we are still able to use our body and mind to produce something. 2. Don’t complain Complain will take your energy away. 3. Divide the work into smaller chunks Facing a pile of work can e intimidating. When we felt intimidated, we tend […]
Resolution Tree
My first post in 2011. Learning my last year lesson, I had made my resolutions now. I found my last year resolution note and I feel that I think I should be SMART-er when it comes to make my this year resolution. Here are some tips to make your resolutions easier:
Learning from Annual Review
As new year is just peeking at the door, everyone seems to be busy to finish their work before this year ends. Recently, some people in my office, including myself, are busy writing annual report for the management. I’m sure you all know what’s inside. So, I think it’s a good idea for today’s blog post too. Have you ever review yourself? If so, are you a generous reviewer? If you never review yourself, why? Have you ever consider it, […]
Mimicry: The art of finding solution
I have 2 situations which are commonly happen to us in day to day activity: Let’s say you’re learning something new; something that out of your usual thing. What would you do? How you will start yourself to learn? Or, you are happened to be in some troubles, you are confused what to do or how are you going to solve the problem. What do you do in this kind of situation? Think about it for a while and keep […]