As always, without realization a year passed pretty fast. We are living in 2012 now and it’s near the end of January. In general, people will start to think about their new year resolution since December; some of my friends did it. One of them asked me, have I gave a thought about my new year resolution? I asked them back, for personal or for office? And they replied of course the personal one. I smiled sheepishly and replied that […]
Author: kartika9
How well you know your friend?
(this conversation happened last night over the dinner between A and B who used to live together and C is A’s partner) A: What did you do on new year eve until made you lack of sleep? B: Yeah.. I slept at 3 in the morning, I tried to finish assemble my model C: What? A: What happened to you? Why you suddenly changed much since the time you lived with us? C: No.. please be the B that we […]
Chistmas spirit
Since I was a kid, Christmas has been one of my favorite holiday. I like the atmosphere, the spirit and, especially, the movies on TV. I’m so buying the concept of Christmas spirit and miracle because of those movies. But I never experience one like in those movies or drama. Well.. maybe it only happens inside movie anyway. This year, my Christmas holiday is a little different. For the first time in many years, I felt alone and nothing to […]
New Year is coming
Do you meet your 2011 resolution? Have you started to think about the 2012 resolution?
Thought on losing something
*this post is a rewrite, my mistake for not saving it before I close the browser. So, it’s going to be short and sweet. When I look back at my calendar, I feel terrified. How can I survive such a busy month. I basically had one event another another, weekdays after work and weekends. I was longing for a long sleep for many weeks. Yet, there are another events awaits for me. Finally, my body can’t take it anymore. I […]
License to be sick
*cough cough I’m telling myself, Come on my body, show some energy! There are some works to be done. Come on my mind, concentrate a lil more! There are some plans to work on. *cough cough My heart said, Have you give yourself enough rest? Did you put too much stress on yourself? Have you eat healthily? Have you do some exercise? Even you did it, doesn’t mean that you can stay healthy all the time. I was puzzled.. You […]
Thought on connecting with people
I’m sure that once a while, a question like “how can I connect better with that person?” popped inside our head. A friend who lets you to become yourself without the needs to worry is a gem. And what are the path that we need to walk to reach that stage? There are many. But there are two basic values that we need to have: honesty and sincerity. Honest is easy when it comes to saying good things. But, the […]
Thought on learning language
Some of my friends told me that I’m too free by learning too many languages at once. I’ve been learning Japanese for about a year plus and recently I’m learning Korean. I simply like the happy face from the person I talk to when I speak in their language. It also easier to connect with them. I like to think that it’s a form of appreciation too.