Author: kartika9
The first 8 weeks of the year hasn’t even passed, yet I have been slacking in posting in my blog. One of my resolution is to be back to post regularly, once a week. Well, I have a reason for this week though, because I was in a holiday back in my hometown. I usually have idea about what I want to write however, I was either too busy with something or I was too tired by the end of […]
6 best shared contents in my Facebook feed this week
I read in Mashable that Facebook recently changed their algorithm to display updates from our friends and brand page we like. Some of my friends said they are not surprise since they feel “spammed” in their Facebook feed by bad content. Before reading it, I feel the same way too that the more you interact with a person they more likely it will appear in your news feed. If you have thousands of friends in your list, you may want […]
How do I know what I want do?
My friend asked why I can stay in IT line for long time. (Which I don’t think so.. Because I tried a lot of things and didn’t stay long on one specialization) I’m easily bored so I tried different activities from time to time or joined different groups. But there is always a pattern. A pattern that I keep come back to the same activities after trying or hopping to others. So I guess that’s what I actually want to […]
What are you afraid of?
this question is today’s question from a sentence a day project My answer is, regret. I’m afraid if I’m regretting over something because I didn’t give my 100%. I’m aware of it so what happened most of the times was, I tried too many different things to make it work. But sometimes we just need one way and keep working on it.. What do you think?
Which life will you live?
There are infinite possibilities for what our lives can be. but only one reality we can live in. this life is the only one we’ll ever know, why not make it everything you want it to be?
First greeting in 2014
2013 passed in a flash and welcome 2014. I’m sure a lot of us were busy with our new year resolution. (Some of us cheekily said that their new year resolution will be 1920×1080). I was still in my holiday when I should do my new year resolution. So I’ll be a little bit behind in my resolution and stuffs. I decided to start my year with 10 reflections from 2013. When you give too many reasons to not do something, means it’s not […]
It’s Christmas time
Christmas is one of my favourite holidays of year. You should know the story about Christmas right? Besides that, it’s also a season where everyone spend their time with their family. When I was a kid, I watched a lot of show/movie about Christmas in local television (it’s also a school holiday, so I could watch TV as many as I wanted, yay). For example, some parents were trying their best to get presents or to give Christmas experience to their […]