We often heard do your best but how do we really do our best? This came into my mind after I listened to a podcast series. The podcast channel name is Strangers and my boss recommended this podcast to me. We listened to it on our way back to office and I became hooked into it since.
Author: kartika9
Push me, pull me and drag me
For the first time in my entire exercise days (aha!) I started to enjoy exercising with friends. I mean sports like cycling or running. I’m a slow runner because I don’t have stamina (or that’s what I always think) so, I don’t like when running with friends because first, you can’t run and talk at the same time. (Well unless you’re running suupeer slow) Second, I hate to have the feeling that I’m holding other people. Well, until recently. I […]
Sayonara Mr. Lee
Learning from our younger self
I like putting my thought into something; I draw or write almost on any medium and most of the time I didn’t realise it until the time I need to tidy up my stuffs. One of my favourite activities when I go back to my hometown is to find my old notes and read it. I find it interesting, not only because I wrote them in English as a practice (you can imagine how bad it was) but also the […]
10,000 things to do
I like to reply people with, “I have 10,000 things to check from my list” when they asked me, how’s thing going? Another colleague added, I check one item from my 10,000 things to check, but another 1,000 are queueing at the end of it.
You can’t teach old dogs new trick, really?
You must have heard about that saying right? What do you think? Yesterday there was an event organised by our company Human Resource department and I attended a sharing session by a senior who had been working for 30 over years. I learned few good things from that sharing session. So, let me sharing those with you in this post.
I’m bored..! but wait there is something behind it
Does that ring a bell to you? Do you feel bored from time to time? (Hope it’s not all the time) tee hee.. I’m actually having post holiday blue, that’s the reason this week post is published slightly later than usual. But it’s a promise to myself that I’ll blog regularly, publish an article once a week, share my learning or inspiration week by week. So this week topic is about boredom.
Becoming champion at work
Happy Lunar New Year.! Hope you have a great time with your family and loved ones. And hopefully we have great prosperous year ahead. So, in midst of this festive season, here is this week short inspiration for our mind. Check this post.