Inspiration from Chihayafuru

In order to give it all on the things you want to do, you also must give it all on the things you don’t want to do.


Recently I’m hooked to this manga about Karuta (カルタ). I’m surprised that this is considered as sport and people are taking it seriously. You can find more history about Karuta from wiki.

Although I’m learning Japanese, I know nothing about classic Japanese poem. This manga explain it in a way that making it very interesting for a noob like me.

Back to the line, it was when Chihaya didn’t do well in her studies due to practice and one of her club mates teaches those need remedial tests.

Chihaya was fixated into seeing a match although she was supposed to study. So, her friend texted her that. In the end Chihaya returned to the group study and pass the test.

It’s a very relatable line to me because sometimes I do that too. I just like to do the fun part, and neglect the not so fun part. Or hoping that someone will take care of it for me. I know it’s irresponsible of me.

Over times, I started to be able to cross that boundary. Although it takes time to prepare my heart (ha!) for example to eat my veggie first before eating up the rest.

The satisfaction of able accomplish the task by doing both fun and not fun tasks almost tripled than just accomplishing the task.

How about you?