How do I know what I want do?

My friend asked why I can stay in IT line for long time. (Which I don’t think so.. Because I tried a lot of things and didn’t stay long on one specialization) I’m easily bored so I tried different activities from time to time or joined different groups. But there is always a pattern. A pattern that I keep come back to the same activities after trying or hopping to others. So I guess that’s what I actually want to […]

First greeting in 2014

2013 passed in a flash and welcome 2014. I’m sure a lot of us were busy with our new year resolution. (Some of us cheekily said that their new year resolution will be 1920×1080). I was still in my holiday when I should do my new year resolution. So I’ll be a little bit behind in my resolution and stuffs. I decided to start my year with 10 reflections from 2013. When you give too many reasons to not do something, means it’s not […]