It’s Christmas time

Christmas is one of my favourite holidays of year. You should know the story about Christmas right? Besides that, it’s also a season where everyone spend their time with their family. When I was a kid, I watched a lot of show/movie about Christmas in local television (it’s also a school holiday, so I could watch TV as many as I wanted, yay). For example, some parents were trying their best to get presents or to give Christmas experience to their […]

After saying “after”

“I’ll do this after I finished my exam” “I’ll relax and do nothing after this busy month” “I’ll enjoy my life after I’m retired” “I’ll start to exercise after ..” “I’ll be peaceful and relax after taking holiday” “I’ll sleep more after the presentation” And after many “after”s, usually we will be busy again. With something else. So, find your peace, do your activities or get your rest in between your activities. Don’t depend on “after”. I’ll be satisfied after […]