Run, Temple Run

Keep running.. When there is an obstacle, jump over it; Where there is a gap, jump at the right time; When there is no path ahead, make a turn; When everything is getting faster, keep your head cool to decide your action wisely; When there is some helps, grab it;   That’s how you score well in Temple Run.   PS: this game made me addicted to keep playing it despite after few meters I have slipped into a pit […]

Never satisfied

When we are busy, we want some free time to do things we want to do; When we are free, we forgot to do that and busy looking for something else; When we are alone, we want someone or some friends or family to be around; When we are with them, we neglected them and acted like we didn’t need them.

Are you interested or..?

Interesting quote I read this week from Ken Blanchard is: “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” After reading those, suddenly learning foreign language popped up in my head. I have been learning Japanese for about a year or more, and recently I also enrolled myself into a Korean class. So am I just interested or […]

Have a little adventure

If someone asked you, how have you been? What is your answer? Good? Not bad? Excellent? Normal? That question is very common to be asked when you meet your friends at early of the week or after you haven’t seen them for awhile, right? Most of people will start to complain when they feel life is picking on them. Some start to complain, some start to be ignorance. I stumbled into a good post, an inspiring life lesson from Bruce […]