Inspiration is..

To you, what is inspiration? Do you think you are an inspiring people? How do you inspire people? Or maybe inspire yourself? Do you think it’s important to be inspired? Have you ever thought of those questions? I have. I leave some of the questions for you to answer. I’ll start mine on how do you inspire others. I have 4 points I want to tell:

Will you dive with head first?

I met one of my university senior on last weekend. He is a successful entrepreneur, to my opinion, and he showed me some of his works while we were chatting. Casually I asked him, on being entrepreneur in such young age. Here are some points that stayed in my mind: 1. There is no shortcut There will be some hills to conquer at certain point of our life. 2. Keep your idealism for yourself. Some people may not appreciate your […]

My style is..

Almost a year ago, I wrote this post. And near the end of the post, I wrote this: .. So, I asked myself again. Do I really blog because I want to share the good things or for fame? What are my definitions of good blogger? Which one is more important to me, articles quality posts or articles quantity? Do I plan realistically or I just want to get to my destination as fast as  I could? I haven’t found the […]

Pay the price

When we were a kid, how do we get money? Pocket money from our parents, right? A little background to share, I was raised in middle class family. My dad never spoiled us with neither toys nor clothes. Sometimes as a kid I always ask and wonder, why can’t I get that toys? My dad will say that you still have your toys and it’s still in good condition, why would I need another toys. Maybe my dad didn’t understand […]

Shut up, sit still and admit it!

Talking so much about positivity and to be an optimist, but there are times when you hit the bottom, you just can’t get your head straight. Yesterday, I just couldn’t think properly what should I do, my priorities were messed up. (Even I missed my blogging schedule). One tip from a friend, find out what is the main cause of it. Simple as it said but it’s pretty hard to get it done. Why? One thing that I can think […]

Level up!

When we play a game, either it’s a puzzle game, strategy game, or RPG game, each time we complete one stage or level, the next one would be slightly more difficult than the previous one. Right? The same analogy with life. After you complete one stage in your life, the next one will be, most likely, more difficult. The challenge comes in different form. And the beauty of it is, you can never expect that you will get the same […]

Sometimes life will give you what you need and not what you want

If someone asked you, name 3 things that you want to have right now and it can be anything. What answer would you give? I’m sure, we have bottomless wishes or things that we want to have in life. Whether it’s a status, money or (maybe) someone? Maybe for us who watched Aladdin and the Genie too much, we will be clever enough to have some imagination to ask another 3 more wishes on our last wish. Anyway, when you […]