When resisting is not working

What do I mean by resisting? Alright, according to online dictionary Merriam-Webster, resist means: intransitive verb : to exert force in opposition transitive verb 1 : to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat <he resisted temptation> 2 : to withstand the force or effect of <material that resists heat> My version, to resist is not to acknowledge something which is usually associated with bad things. You can name activities like gambling, stealing, or using drugs. I don’t such experience […]

What is your style?

Lately, I’ve been into discussion with a friend about my blog. He recommended a blog to me to read the week before. The blog is written by Singaporean girl which is mainly describing her daily activities. Her language is light and simple; some of the story are funny and some are quite provoking but it describes her personality; the bottom line is the blog is fun to follow. On the other hand, he told me that in general, my blog […]

A thing called compromise

Do you feel your stomach churn before your exam? Or before you have your big gig? Well, I do. Thanks to a friend of mine; talking to him yesterday made me re-think the whole big picture, or should I say, my big picture. Let’s go back to the nerveousness, most of the time before I had school presentation, exams, or meeting clients, or even teaching, I was nervous. (some of my friends don’t believe it when I said so)

10 dreams to achieve in 2010

Early this year when people were busy composing their new year resolution, I was still enjoying my new year doing nothing. It paid off, after a clean break I felt my head clearer and fresher to start a new. I have few pending task for my personal project which is my blog and my website. I made a plan to finish them but I haven’t had any idea at that time, what do I look in this year 2010. Thinking […]


Open my eyes, I turn myself over Blink, I realize that today is still Friday Look around and I saw my luggage around the corner Thought that today is my flight day The sky is still dark Not even a dog bark Turn on the wireless modem And, turn on the comp Read friends’ blogs Could not deny of being jealous For them who find their happiness But told myself that I have my own as they have theirs Somehow, […]

5 self asking question which help to motivate ourselves

In my previous post, I listed how to tackle bad mood. One of them is recognizing the cause of it (writing my thought down). So, below is a short list of questions which help me to find out the cause. 1. Do I expect too much? 2. Do I enjoy what I’m doing? 3. Do I need it or do I want it? 4. Do I worry about the outcome? 5. Have I really done anything to achieve it?

10 things to lift your mood up

We surely have our ups and downs. We feel that we can conquer the world when we’re in a good mood. But, when we’re out of it, we felt that how unfair the world to us, we become grumpy, we do nasty things, we fight with other, or you just name it. So, I’d like to share some which works fo me when I had my downs: 1. Sleep Most of the time, I read from an article that lack […]