Idealist vs realist

Is it okay to be idealist? Or should we be realist? This question often popped out in my head nowadays. There are two recent activities which made that floated in my mind. The first one is yesterday when I drive my mom for monthly grocceries shopping. I told her everything about my (previous) working place. I was able to explain the condition in my working place without losing my patience. I was taking my time to describe the condition from one […]

New year = new resolutions?

First of all, Happy new year!! It’s been a while haven’t write here, that’s what I thought at first. Feels like want to write my thoughts yet confuse which one should I write – even the first sentence to begin this post. So I guess, I just need to take it slowly and be patience with myself – writing this is kind of helping me straightening things out. It’s not to be read by someone, it’s good though if someone […]