The only competition I’m having is

While last week I was inspired by my sensei’s word,  but this week I get my inspiration through this talk in YouTube. The talk appears in the recommendation to watch list. I like it so much and I shared the video in my LinkedIn too.  Within Simon’s video and what sensei told us, there is a similar message. Simon mentioned that there are 2 type of games or competitions, finite and infinite. Players in finite environment tend to have mindset to […]

What I wish that I know when I was

J.K. Rowling said that in her Harvard commencement speech. She said that she was racking her head what should she share in a commencement speech. So she thought that what she wished to know when she was at the same age with the graduates. Her words made me think, what are the think I want to tell my younger self? Or maybe what would my future self would tell the present me. (I’m sure that Luffy wouldn’t want to hear […]