Breaking out from our shell

Last week we have a year end dinner with colleagues and as usual, there was an award presentation for long service with the company. One of them is our top leader. In his acceptance speech, he said that he was quite laid back person until his wife decided to quite her work, to focus on their family. He added that his wife was having a good career, better than him. At that point of time. Her sacrifice made him able […]

On setting a limit

I like one of the sport shoe commercial tag line, “Nothing is impossible. Impossible is nothing”. The tag line has been few years back though, I’m sure you know or ever heard about it. First of all, the story I wrote is for sharing purpose which inspired by my own situations. I’m motivated by the tag line many times but for this time, I need to see the bigger picture of it. Let’s say that you work on a specific […]

On shortening words

In my personal experience, writing in nice proper form also helps me to sort things out from my head. Like a brief pause. A pause to question myself. Do I really need to type this to my friend? Will the information be useful for them? Or we can say also a way to evaluate our thinking. Because when we’re such in a hurry, or maybe when some emotions are involved, we may say unnecessary things too..


Work harassment! I’m striking a complaint. Haha 😀 I was snowed by quite a lot of work since my second week settlement which is two months ago. My peace and relax live was robbed by the harshness of working life. I’m not trying to exaggerate my situation. At first, I was quite happy since I didn’t have much things to do, although with a little bit of confusion. I had left my work place for one-and-a-half year to finish my […]