
When uncertainty comes,

You wish that you have someone to hug you, pat you on your head and said don’t worry everything is going to be alright.

When uncertainty comes,

You think that the world is not fair, because it fails to give you what you want.

When uncertainty comes,

You feel that you are the worst person in the world, you are the bad kid that doesn’t deserve a nice present on your birthday.

That’s how we feel normally isn’t it?

But, uncertainty is just there. Doing nothing. It’s just what we have inside our mind. Uncertainty doesn’t mean to make us feel worse or sad or depressed.

It is how we look at uncertainty.

We are the one who should decide about it.

We can take it as part of life, that shows us something, impermanence.

We can take it as reminder, that our boat sometimes need to be rocked. Good captain proved by sailing through storm in the sea.

We should see it as a good teacher. That is there to teach something that we need.

Don’t anticipate it too much.

Yet don’t surrender to uncertainty when it comes.

Don’t take it too much.

Yet don’t take it lightly.

Let’s be aware,

Let’s just walk with it.

Do you know that the more you don’t want something, normally it will come to you? Why?

Because unconsciously, we think about it all the time, and that brings us closer to it.

So why don’t we just think about things that we want?

At least it makes us feel good when we think about it.

To conclude, Hey you! Do you face uncertainty at this moment? Let’s change how we see things. You’ll be surprised how it can make you see from different perspective.