kartika9 • blogs

What is the most enjoyable thing you do throughout the week?

Recently, I attended a course about EQ skills, and how can we be helped as a manager when we use it on the right time. It was 2 full days course, from 9 to 5 with 1 hour break in between and 2 short coffee break sessions. In between of the session, we were having some sharing about our work place experiences and some actions taken at that point of time. Overall, it was great time for me to be able to learn from the experienced one.

Anyway, in this post, I’d like to share a point from the seminar that is very memorable to me.

The facilitator shares one of his experience with us. He used to work as a medical nurse for over a decade, married his wife and not long after that, his wife told him that the job didn’t suit him well. He was shocked.

His wife asked him to think what is the most enjoyable thing to him throughout the whole week.

He said that he likes his weekend most, because he can speak or teach other people about personal development and many more. After that, he gave it a thought and not long after that he quitted his nursing job and decided to do what he likes to do. He shares that he admires his wife for being able to point out his blind spot and for her courage to support him starting a new because usually in the early year of marriages usually they yearn for stability for the family.

Have you try to ask yourself that question? Or has anyone ever asked that to you?

Dream high and live your dream.

Topic about dream is very interesting or you can’t never get bored to talk about dream. Who don’t like to dream? 🙂 Some people said that dream high, who know you may end up among the cloud.

The next question after that will be, do you dare to live up to your dream?

To let us have some quiet moment let’s try to ask ourselves that question, and give it a thought, on a quiet moment with yourself, maybe with a little soft music as a background. And who knows you may be surprised with the answer.

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