kartika9 • blogs

Breaking out from our shell

Last week we have a year end dinner with colleagues and as usual, there was an award presentation for long service with the company.

One of them is our top leader.

In his acceptance speech, he said that he was quite laid back person until his wife decided to quite her work, to focus on their family. He added that his wife was having a good career, better than him. At that point of time.

Her sacrifice made him able to focus on his career. To evolve into the current him.

I find his sharing about earlier part of his life journey was quite inspirational.

At that party I asked myself, when will I have that moment? To have the heart to leave some of the things I really like to do now and focus on the few activities only.

I find it easy to adopt a new thing, make it to be a habit, but I have difficulties cutting them down. Eventually I dropped a few to date, through “natural selection”. As the time goes and I don’t have time to do it. And mostly my logical self made me to do the important things first.

It also reminded me of what one of my friend told me sometime back. That at certain stage of my life, I’ll turn into someone who is boring and safe. He sees me as someone who thinks life is like adventure and big playground.


I haven’t found the answer yet, whether I’ll change quite drastically, or when I’ll have that moment, or what kind of person I’ll be in 5 or 10 years time.

But one thing I know, life is like running a marathon. It’s a long run. Rushing it won’t help me to reach it faster as I might ran out gas earlier and walk at much slower pace to complete it.

Do you have similar experience like this? Did you find the answer? How did you overcome it?

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