kartika9 • blogs

Tidying up

This week I saw in my Facebook feed that my friends were sharing about KonMari. Perhaps because she made appearance in Netflix or it’s near Lunar New Year which generally associated with spring cleaning.

I read her books around 2 years ago, it was so easy to read and enjoyable reading material. I’ve been trying to do my share bit by bit too since then.

Then it came down to me that actually it’s not just about possession. But also things around us. For example, activities.

The quintessential question is does this or that still make me happy or spark joy. Being a person who has tons of interest or activities, I should have asked this question to myself more often.

There so little time I have in a day and so much activities I want to do.

Sometimes, it might be something from the past, you continue it out of habit. Or perhaps for whatever reason. But does it still give you joy by doing it?

I find that whatever motivates me to do it in the past, might not be applicable to me anymore. And doing it is not enjoyable anymore. Or rather it becomes a chore.

No matter how good the benefit of the activities, like exercise. If your body and mind don’t find it happy activity or can’t enjoy it. The result will be reversed. That’s what I believe.

So I think it’s good exercise not just tidying up our possession, but also other things in our lives.

Have you start tidying up?

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