kartika9 • blogs

Don’t sweat small setbacks

When you are starting something new, usually there are many “accidents”. And when you are having a few in a row, it is kind of not encouraging. Am I at the right path? Or should i just go back to where I was before?

I’m trying to change my boys’ diet to raw, and now they are in transition from kibbles to wet food. Since 6 months ago, they were on few types of kibbles for ard 4 months. Now I’m exploring wet can food for them and trying to stabilize it.

I read a lot, I asked many questions to some raw feed fans, I joined raw feeding community and so on.

It’s still early journey for me and the boys, and there are few minor mishaps. However, friends encouraged me to keep it up. We know that it’s a journey. Start with something, then learn and tweak it.

Talk with them, it’s to encourage them and affirmation for ourselves.

So, don’t stress too much when having few setbacks. Rather, go celebrate the successes along the way.

This made me think, that there are times life is being so tough on me.

I know where I want to be, but when I was having some challenges, I just decide to go on easier route, or even go back to my starting line.

Write it somewhere, group with the right people to give you advice and encouragement, and most of all, believe it will happen.

How about you?

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