kartika9 • blogs

[thoughts]: dare to challenge myself ?!?

I (most of the time) believe that I will do my best in a very challenging or competitive environment. Well, up to this moment, it works most of the time. It doesn’t really necessary work related issues, I also apply it to almost everything, especially to things that I newly exposed to it – well, I value myself not that adventurous despite I like to play RPG games but I feel that I’m playful enough to enjoy every moments including the unpleasant one :p

Anyway, back to the topic, I’m aware too that most of the time, I will go out of the topic when discussing something or even when I’m alone trying to enjoy the silence 🙂

Here is one of the example,

I like to be participated in social activities, especially in helping other people, can be friends, or completely stranger. It doesn’t necessarily big help – I feel – even small helps will do. The point is, I like to see them happy as it makes me feel happy too, really. 🙂


I also realize that when I’m all out during the day, I don’t have much energy left when I’m at home. 🙁

I believe that everyone should give the best they could when they do something, that’s what all I do during the day, when I’m at work and sometimes go to gym afterwards.


When I’m at home, I tend to enjoy my time, my peaceful time, doing my own activity.

It’s not only when in Singapore, but also when I was in my hometown too. I barely have energy when I was at home, so most likely just to rest and replenish my energy. My mom used to complain to me though, as I treated my home just like a hotel, a lodging to rest. 🙂

Anyway, sometimes I feel that also happened in Melbourne and happens here (Singapore) too.

When I was at home evening time, I tend to be quiet 😛 which is basically entering the hibernation stage 😀 This is totally the opposite of my two housemates. I admire them to have the energy all day long.. Hmm.. or maybe they similar to energizer bunny while I’m not hehe.. :p

So I told myself, I should try my best (too) to allow some amount of time to interact with them. Another challenge for me!!

Another story is about trying or exploring new things. It’s somewhat challenging to me.

I was told by my parents that I should be an example to my younger brother. Well, I used to be a timid and shy girl when I was little. I always didn’t dare to greet my classmate first during new academic year, or maybe during a meeting with new people. I have few close friends and only know other by name.

This continued to happen until I reached my university time and I joined non-academic activities, like event volunteering etc. That’s when I met and worked with new people. Therefore, basically I was pushed beyond my shell and quite surprising that I’m enjoying it, I like it.

Until now, I tend to apply similar method when I was facing new situations. I told myself that, just do it, experience it then you’ll know how or what about the situations.

Related to be example for my brother thing is, now I can share some experiences with him if he’s facing similar situations. And these experience also make me keep challenging myself, to keep having adventure or exploring new things in my life, so that I can share some experiences to my friends 🙂

And, it’s addictive really. The feeling to be helpful.

Although sometimes I admit that it really worn me out hehe.. Even sometimes, I can feel “guilty” not to be able to help when I didn’t have much physical energy left 🙁

But I believe too that, if I was able to all out to care other people, then I should be able all out to care about myself either. We’re not super human after all, we’re still limited by our physical strength and we can’t always to be there to help people we care about.

Because there’ll always open possibilities that, other people, totally stranger may help them. We should allow other people to help, we shouldn’t be selfish or close the door for other people to be nice to us or people we care.

That’s what I believe at this moment.

Closing my thoughts, I found that challenges are pretty helpful for me, but I think I will challenge myself to do more good things, for me and to people around me, eventually to the society.

I hope, you’ll feel the same too. 🙂

Let’s have a good week ahead. Osh! Hehehe 🙂

PS: now I want to try this.. If you feel like want to post a comment, please post it here

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