kartika9 • blogs

Me and my quiet time

Celia’s, my roommate’s alarm rings at 7 every morning because she goes to work about 8. As usual, I wakes up too. Well, since I used to wake up early anyway. We’re having breakfast, chatting – sometimes continuing what we talked yesterday or maybe talking about something which comes up from the Channel News Asia. Then she offs to work and here I am, alone.

I got job as web developer within a week in Singapore. It’s quite fast according to all my friends, since some of them took them months to be able to get it. I’m really grateful for it.

However, it left me doing nothing after the interview, the decision and the work permit waiting time. My daily routine for this week is waking up almost the same time as Celia and either starting the computer just to check emails, FBs, FSs, or just watching TV.

Yesterday, I even manage to have my afternoon nap. 🙂 The activity that I didn’t do for a long time.

I went out later in the afternoon, to have my dinner and to meet my friend, Sandra who just came yesterday morning for a seminar though that we may not meet since she hasn’t contacted me since she told me that she had a meeting at noon around lunch time.

After dinner, I decided to visit Kinokuniya, one of the largest bookstore in Singapore which located at Orchard. I had ice cream before I entered the mall, I don’t know the name of it but I called ice-potong, which describes how the ice was cutted from a long ice block :p I longed to eat that ice too, ever since I arrived.

I listen to “Leaving on a Jet Plane” by local street artists whom have a good jazzy voice. I remembered my days in Melbourne. For a moment, I felt as I’m back to Melbourne. Have a nice time to take a walk, listen to street artist either on spare time or just passing by. I decided to take my time eating the ice and enjoys the show and the atmosphere.

Finished my ice cream, I entered Takasimaya Mall, read the level directory to find the bookstore and went up straight to the bookstore.

Again, I felt I was in Melbourne’s Borders – another bookstore I liked to visit while I was in Melbourne. Well, I like to spend my time with books. I felt I was in a timeless world everytime I surrounded by books. I can spend hours just to read them as I never bored with them.

I found Ajahn Brahm book, Opening the Door for Your Heart. One of my favourite which I forgot to bring along 🙁 Anyway, if I miss to read the book, I always can go there to relive my reading experience 🙂 or maybe another purchase will do.

Talking about books, one of the recent book which I just finished, “I Wonder Why” by Thubten Chodron has a lot of practical daily questions about Buddhism. One of the topic is about attachment. She described that attachment can grow even towards to our belief, for instance if someone attacks our belief and we angry about it, which means we grow attachment to our belief.

This is surprised me.

I mean, I found that it’s quite common to see people upset when someone attacks or says something bad about their beliefs. Most of them, I believe, become defensive – so do I. Sometimes, I felt uncomfortable to be around my friends who have different beliefs. I relate this to my high school experience when I was persuaded to join my friend’s belief. I dislike the way they “persuade” me, it’s not a persuasion, it’s more like against your own will. I didn’t dislike their belief. However, that experience somehow haunted me until now. Although I keep telling myself not to be defensive, and I keep trying not to.

Back to the book, the author explains that we are not our belief. Instead of angry or become defensive when it happens, we should be open towards it and, anyway, it helps us to find more about our belief. 🙂 In addition, when we haven’t found the answer doesn’t mean that their belief is right while ours is wrong.

I felt somehow relieved as I feel I still a newbie. There are lots of things which I need to learn – it’s a chance for me to learn more about it. 🙂

Talking this post title with the content, I realise it’s not really related. Hahaha.. But I guess, it describes what my mind do during the “quiet time”. My mind just can’t accept to have a temporary leave from the busy world. Still questioning and still pondering about things around me.

To wrap up, I guess, let’s just enjoy our lives, the ups and downs and live it to the fullest. And make use of our life to be useful not just for us, but also for our society. 😉

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