kartika9 • blogs

Hello September

Crossroads on the way to Llanover

Crossroads on the way to Llanover by Christine Johnstone is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

It’s been a long while.. since last entry to the blog site.

I know, I told myself that I want to go back to blogging regularly, but somehow this and that are preventing me to go back to something I enjoy in the past.

It’s been awhile that I sit down and have a chat with my mind.

Let’s start with what happened recently.

First, on role being made redundant in June.

I wasn’t expecting this at all. I was shocked when I heard about it. Tried to calm myself down that it’s okay, everyone has their own path, and maybe this is something I need to go through too.

I remembered it clearly like yesterday when my mentor and my very first boss Mr F asked me this question when I was preparing for my overseas study, “Do you regret when company ABC rejected you from their management trainee program?”

He told me that there will be something for someone in their own timeline. A rejection we receive at one point of time, it’s just a moment in the past.

I was sad when I wasn’t accepted in that programme because most of my friends were accepted and usually it’s a good path to enter as fresh graduate developer.

So somehow the conversation with him resurfaced when the news about restructuring happened and my role was made redundant in June.

Second, on the journey finding next adventure.

I won’t lie if the journey is not all rosy. There are more times when I feel dejected because of no response from the company I’m applying. On top of that, you read / heard about the Applicant Tracking System which you need to deal with and about companies / recruitment agencies are creating ghost position to accumulates resume.

What I feel right now is standing in front of cross road. Do I want to go back to corporate again as soon as possible? Or do I want to take it easy for awhile? So I decided to draw up simple table

Go back to corporate lifeIncomeNo time to plan for next phase
Do freelanceIncomeMight forget to apply for job
Temporary / short stint
Plan for own businessFor longer term goalsIncome not guaranteed

It’s rather scary because I don’t know what comes next for me.

Although I know that .. there are things for me ahead, just that currently I can’t see it well.

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