kartika9 • blogs

About putting trust first

Trust is something you build on over time and earn. It’s not something you can just get from other people.

I learned it from a comic book back then during my high school days.

As I grow up, I have my moments when I tend to second guess people and doubt them.

I feel worried if I need to trust people and they will disappoint me. So I decided to think all ways to prevent that.

Some of my managers at work, they just give trust.

To some extent I was wondering, what would my managers do, if my made huge mistakes, for whatever reasons, will they still trust me?

Maybe I should ask them, how can they trust me (or others) so much when giving it have a risk?

Nevertheless, I still want to be able to be that person who is able to give trust, knowing the risk, and know how to deal with the risk later.

How about you? What do you think about giving trust?

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