kartika9 • blogs

What’s your ikigai?

I started to give myself a 52 week challenge 4-5 years ago because I want to challenge myself to do something consistently. It started with the popular challenge in the Internet, saving the money as big as the week number, week 1 is $1 and so on.

Then I expanded it to blogging and taking photo with Luffy too.

I concluded the saving money challenge 2 years ago, because I find I didn’t really save them from my weekly allowance, but simply set aside those money from my main.

On blogging and photo with Luffy, I find it harder and harder to do them because I don’t feel as creative as I used to do or I don’t have the time to sit down and pen my thought properly. My mind is just like monkey, jumping here and there from one thing to another. Which could be work, or my cats, which lately become my center.

I’m considering to end another one of my 52 week challenge, taking photo with Luffy. One of the reason is, I don’t find any interaction with others people. Or rather feedback. Do they like it? Or do they dislike it? But I never ask so far. It’s more like a channel for my creativity or story telling. In which, these days, I do it for my kiddos.

In 2019, I set a goal a book a month, but I didn’t manage to complete it in Feb and Mar. I bought a book about Ikigai for April though.

It said, what’s the reason for your to get up in the morning? It might be small and no meaning for other people, but it matters to you.

I asked myself.

Does it still matter to me to fulfill my 52 week challenge? Taking photos of Luffy and to blog?

There is a flickering yes inside of me. I still like doing it. But after getting into 3 years and it’s really making me thinking, how to make this better? But actually, what do I look for by doing it? Which I think I don’t have any missions or purpose. I just do it for fun.

When you’re doing it for fun, why do I need validation or others’ approval or like?

Now as I’m still at the early chapters of Ikigai, I’ll park the thought to end my 52 weeks mission.

Let’s take a step back and think about it again. Also, I think it’s okay to make time to try new things. We have so much time in our day, so if needed, just make few shift here and there, to allow new experience to come.

I shall write another reflection once I completed the book.

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