kartika9 • blogs

What do you think lately?

When you keep saying or thinking can’t or not possible, you won’t be able to do it

Is what my sensei said in front of the class.

She likes to comment how boring our life is because we are not creative enough to deal with situation.

Or try something different.

She jokes that when you’re walking at rad side, don’t just look at your phone, but look up down left and right, who knows there is some money, or interesting people doing other quirky stuffs or maybe something drops from the sky.

What my sensei said, reminds me of the Secret book which I read many years ago. That what we think, and believe, it will manifest as the universe will collaborate to make it happen.

I thought it’s kinda absurd and too illogical.

But I think, there were few smaller occasions that I did get what I wanted for. Of course, it also requires putting some effort to it.

So although I still don’t get it how it works and all, at least to me, thinking about it makes me feel happy and looking forward to something.

How about you?

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