kartika9 • blogs

Relearning something you think you know

Have you ever feel that you, out of sudden, don’t know how to do something which you’re so used to do?

I do.

It is about managing my time.

And it makes me frustrated that things which used to be manageable turns out to be crazy and difficult to manage. And frustration leads to next things, feeling down and helpless. Because I can’t see any exit to the situation.

I ponder over it for quite sometime and wasn’t able to find the answer for it.

Well, until recently I started to speak up to some of my closer ones. Then I realized that I do have options, which I didn’t think of or see it before.

I find it goes back to what are the big rocks in our life. Yes priorities change and our goals too, sometimes we need to drop some of old stuffs in order for the new one to come in. For how long? You decide. Whether it’s stop gap or going to semi permanent, it’s up to us.

Sometimes, we need to relearn those too. Or basically upgrade what we knew, fill up the gap with, perhaps, better way of doing it. Because if we keep on using old method, it might not be effective anymore.

This week inspiration came from a book which I stumbled into after entering the store randomly.

So, I find that the relearning journey or upgrading is quite liberating just that I need to go through the frustration journey which sometimes drives me nuts. Ha!

How about you? Did you recently have this experience? Or maybe in the past. What did you do to overcome it?

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