kartika9 • blogs

Fail to plan is plan to fail

I heard this phrase before, but I didn’t really feel the impact until I’ve been in the situation of “no plan”

Back then I usually like to plan ahead to the smallest detail and I.must.follow.it. If I didn’t tick 10 out of 10 items in my list, I feel that I fail. I was down and stress because of it.

I used to set my daily steps goal to be 10,000 steps. However these days I find it so hard to meet because of I didn’t have the time to walk as much as I used to be. Not to mention on my weekly exercise, I can’t do it because of other things pushes things down and expectation from other people.

I can’t plan ahead as things change too rapidly. My life seems just boarded to a shinkansen (bullet train).

I always see myself as neither a sprinter, I’m bad at short burst, nor a long distance runner. It will take awhile for my engine to warm up, but I don’t have the stamina to go long distance. Like a diesel (borrowing my friend’s analogy)

Back to planning, I learned not to plan something too restrictive until I can’t breathe. I plan the big items and allow rooms for changes, and surprises.

And..! The situation I’m in recently is where everything is not planned or barely planned. So, again .. I feel it’s stressful because I can’t plan ahead for things important in my life.

However, I realized that I have wrong mindset. That I shouldn’t let the “current” to carry me. I can follow it, but I still able to make small little changes to the “rudder” so that eventually it will still bring me to where I want to be.

I shouldn’t feel intimidated with the current. I should learn to embrace it and sail with it. After I’m able to get this thinking, I feel a big relief and my shoulder feels lighter.

Perhaps it’s right too that the older you are, we will find it harder to adapt to changes. I guess, it’s another lesson from life that changes are unavoidable.. and the stronger we tried to get a grip on something, it will be easier to break. Or the more things from the last we tried to hold without releasing it, it will tire our body.

I will say bye to dear things from the past, and will try to embrace the changes with open mind.

Have you been in situation like this? What do you do to overcome it?

PS: I dropped my daily goals to 8,000 now, and I think I need to insert quick exercise in between weeks to make it more bite-sized doable.

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